Click to download: Datasheet ELEGOO DC 5V Relay Module - link 1 ELEGOO DC 5V Relay Module - link 2 - Google Drive.Single Channel 5V Relay Breakout Board - Cytron Technologies … what sentence dazzleġ Channel 5V Relay Module with High/Low Level TriggerĥV 1 Channel Relay Board Module Optocoupler LED For Arduino … ĮSP32 Wireless WIFI Relay Module ESP32-WROOM Development … 4) Separate multi-relay 5V modules high triggered and low … what sentence best summarizes paragraph 133 We will look at a number of configurations for connecting relay modules to Arduino boards:- 1) Direct driven reed relays 2) Single 5V power relays powered from the Arduino board's 5V supply 3) Four (4) relay shields using a separate supply.