For Easier Searching: Use CTRL+F to open the search box in the upper right hand corner of this screen, then type in a keyword related to your search.!!! IMPORTANT !!! Best practice before removing files, altering files or using any type of cleaning tools on your files and or system is to BACK UP YOUR GAME FILES !!! IMPORTANT !!! We are more than happy to help you or direct you to where you might find more information. If you need help working through any of the suggested steps please do not hesitate to post in Chatterbox. In some instances links are provided for further clarification of a topic or to instructions detailing HOW to proceed. Therefore, the suggestions in here identify WHAT you can do but not necessarily HOW to do something.
It is aimed at readers playing on a variety of systems from strong to barely adequate and having different levels of Sims gaming know-how and system knowledge. T he purpose of this page is to identify some tips and tools that can be used to help improve your game performance and often system performance overall.